John :
There is always some risk, but IMO it's not high enough to worry about. If
it's a broken ring or scored cylinder wall, the block already has to be
bored and the piston and ring replaced. If it's a burnt valve, the valve
already has to be replaced. There's some chance you might ruin a valve seat
that could otherwise be salvaged, but chances are you should replace it
anyway. And compared to the teardown, the cost of a single valve seat is
> I recently measured engine compression in my 6 and found cylinder
> pressures ranging from 75 to 110 (note that I'm a mile above sea level,
> so I would expect pressures to be somewhat lower anyway). I have very
> good oil pressure (25 lbs at hot idle, 65-75 when hot), but the engine
> is a bit uneven at idle, maybe plus or minus 100 RPM, which it has done
> since I bought it 4000 miles ago. Ideally I would like to continue to
> drive the car this summer and tear down in the fall or winter. Does
> anyone have an opinion if I will risk further damage to this engine if I
> continue to drive it till then?
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