My problem fitting the oil seal to the timing cover is solved!
I was thinking that I somehow had a defective timing cover or had damaged it
somehow removing the old oil seal with heat. So, I gave Ed at Trispare a
call to see if he had a replacement for me. Very nice guy, located nearby,
with many, many old Triumph parts.
We went out to take a look at the cover. I brought my old one to make sure
he had the same part. In comparing, I noticed that his cover was a little
different than mine. It did not have the metal sleeve in the oil seal
housing that mine did. Metal sleeve you may ask?
It turns out, this was the inside of the old oil seal! I had just melted
away the rubber cover on the seal and left the guts of it in place. Guess
you can't fit a new oil seal inside of an old oil seal. When I got home, I
tugged at it a bit and it popped out.
My inexperience is showing, but I'm very happy I found this. It was driving
me crazy. The metal sleeve goes in my hall of fame of trouble parts.
Thanks to everyone that advised me on this.
- Hugh
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