I didn't buy the cam or the kit from Crane. I have a degree wheel and a dial
indicator. I am working with the short block, so I don't need any of the
other stuff. Note, that the method described on the Crane site is the same
as I have seen elsewhere, including an engine rebuilding book I have.
My cam is the 270 from BPNW and it does have asymmetrical ramps.
Unfortunately, the cam data does not have the location of .050" lift, so I
had to use the centerline method. I measured a couple of different ways to
ensure I had things right.
1. First I measured the centerline using .001" off of max lift. This
minimizes the error due to the asymmetry, but there may be more error in the
timing measurement. This is because the ramp is not as steep here. I
measured max lift at 112 deg ATDC with this method.
2. Then, I measured the centerline using .050" off of max lift that everyone
recommends. The error due to asymmetry will be more here. I measured 114 deg
ATDC with this method.
The cam spec is max lift at 112 deg. I count 48 teeth on the cam gear. This
gives 7.5 cam degrees or 3.75 crank degrees per tooth. So, I don't think I
can get any closer without an offset key or one of those dial-in gears.
Dick, if you or anybody else sees a problem with my reasoning here, please
let me know.
Hugh Fader
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sally or Dick Taylor [mailto:tr6taylor@webtv.net]
> Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 2:54 AM
> To: Hugh Fader
> Cc: '6 Pack List (E-mail)'; 'Triumph Mailing List (E-mail)'
> Subject: RE: Inner and Outer Collar on Exhaust Valves
> Hugh---I looked at the Crane Cam website, and if you have their
> installation kit you should have no problem in dialing in the
> cam using
> the "intake" ramp method. Is the performance cam installed in your
> engine symmetrical? What duration does it show on the cam card?
> Dick
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