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>imho elecric fuel pumps make too much noise. you can find a funky place
mount it way in back under the car somewhere. then you have to run 12v
for it, fuse it (i hope). possibly need a pressure regulator for it ? i
tried it, it was a noisy hassle for me. i ended up putting an orig mech
replacement back in. nice, quiet, clean, no wires, simple, no cutting fuel
lines. kinda looks like a triumph too. remember just mho. larry
I agree. Sheet metal makes a wonderfull sounding board for a pulsating
pump. I have heard my fair share of obnoxious fuel pumps, fortunately none
of them were mine. OTOH, I mounted mine to the engine block and I can
barely hear it with the radio off and once the engine starts, it is not
audible at all. When I remount mine in the trunk (I'll have it done by
2017, promise) I intend to use vibration isolators. I have already fused
the circuit.
I took the mechanical pump off because it would fail intermittently. One
possibility is that the cam lob is worn so I opted for the electric.
But if I wanted to keep the car original (as I am with the TR3) I would
keep the original pump, too.
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