I now have the wiper motor painted and refurbished on my TR4. After I got it
put back together, I tried bench testing it. The motor works good except that
the park will not work. It worked before I cleaned and buffed everything up.
Now when I connect the ground wire to the body, nothing happens. I tried
checking for continuity. What I found was that I am not getting continuity
through the adjustable park plate. The rivets that hold everything together
are not making good contact where they meet the top plate. They do make
contact with the bottom plate.
How can I clean out the rivets without replacing them? The rivets have flat
heads and if I used my rivet gun to replace them, they would not look the
same. I sprayed them with contact cleaner and that did not make a difference.
Is there anything that I can do to help the connectivity between the top
metal plate and the rivets that go through them?
Peter Schoppelry
63 TR4
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