Hi Michael
I will confess to not having owned a convertible, and not being particularly
keen on the 1200 styling (too dated for my tastes) but my real loathing for
the 1200 is the engine, with that 'orrible downdraught solex, and the fact
that you cannot improve on this from Triumph stock. I did have a 13/60
estate (which has the non siamese port head like the Spit) and I loved it,
it would do Circa 90 MPH, which gave it a real ability to do 75 on the
motorway, though it did tend to drop off a bit if you hit a long up
gradient, based on this knowledge I am not sure whether a 1200 would cope
too well on the motorway. Also I can tell you that a pair of SUHS4's from a
1500 engine give an improvement in the torque available and also better MPG
than the single Stromberg (I do like the Strombergs on my 2000, just can't
get twins for the 4cyl engines). I hope this information is some help in
your decision making process, one thing for certain is you will enjoy a
Herald, though until you have owned it a while getting about in one will be
a bit of a problem! This is not a bad reflection on the car, more a
wonderful reference to its charm.
I predict that you will be astounded by the number of people who:-
Used to have one of those,
Learned to drive in one of those,
Always wanted one of those, "Can I sit in it?"!!!
My ***** Had one of those. (for ***** chose from a list of relatives)
Still miss the Shed (My herald 13/60 Estate) and look longingly at the adds,
can't have one unless something else goes!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Hargreave Mawson"
Subject: Buying a TR6 - or a Herald 1200 Convertible?
> This being the case, I have been reconsidering my options.
> 'Way back in the mists of time, when I was about three years old, I fell
> in love with a car that belonged to a neighbour. It was a white or
> pale cream-coloured Herald 1200 Convertible, with red-and-cream interior
> trim. I thought it was the prettiest car I had ever seen, and vowed
> that I would have one just like it - one day. Well, maybe that day is
> coming. It fulfils my need for a convertible. It would keep the
> family happy. It is basically a Spitfire with a bigger body and a
> smaller engine, so I should be familiar with its mechanical and
> electrical eccentricities. It has a certain style.
> On the other hand, I am a little nervous about a large family car with
> only an 1147cc engine in it. Can the Herald 1200 reach motorway
> speeds, or is it forever doomed to pootle along with a little man and a
> flag in front of it? I don't need the World's Fastest Quarter Mile
> time, or a top speed in excess of 75 mph, but crawling along at 35 is
> not my idea of fun. (On the gripping hand, my 1971 Sunbeam Stiletto
> used to perform like a Formula One car whilst powered by an engine you
> could have picked up with one hand...)
> Is there a Heralds list @autox.team.net?
> --
> Mike
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