For your particular story of 'no-joy' TR6 horns I would check/clean;
1) the push button insert where heavy coil spring wire comes out of plastic
push button assembly and friction fits to inside of steering wheel hub (it's
an important often overlooked ground - from button to side of steering hub).
2) the cross-over wiring through rubber flex-joints in engine bay area.
3) the ground wire from steering lube nut to frame.
My horns always worked very well with connections cleaned up (I didn't say
loud though - those came on later TRs with relays).
'63 TR4 since '74
>>I've been trying to get the horns to work! I hooked up the horns
directly to the battery, with my booster cables, and they hoot just fine!
The horn relay #512-170 has been replaced. The horn brush contact has been
checked for continuity - OK, the horn slip ring has been cleaned. Still no
joy when the button is pressed!
Any suggestions or info to help me solve this mystery will be much
appreciated, and save my yelling!! ;)
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