Read something interresting in my son's Hayne's for his Saturn - - Feed some
soft rope into the cylinder via the plug hole when the piston is down, just
starting the compression stroke. Then manually turn the engine to compress the
rope within the cylinder against the valves to hold them in place.
Haven't tried it, but it seems to make sense.
> From: Scott Tilton <>
> Date: 2002/04/04 Thu PM 01:32:46 EST
> To:
> Subject: Installing Valve seals on a TR6 - logistics
> So Im close to attempting to put valve seals on my 1970 TR6.
> I know that it is really just a band-aid until I get around to rebuilding a
> head and putting in a new cam. (Anyone got a spare head they wanna sell?)
> I went and bought a Sears $15 valve spring compressor . . the kind that will
> work with the head still on the engine.
> And Ive got the pneumatic attachements to put air pressure in the cylinder to
> hold the valves up while I take the spring off.
> Theres a guy here at work who just doesnt believe this will work or is even
> necessary for that matter.
> He thinks the air pressure wont hold up the valve enough to allow the keepers
> to be removed. He says when I whack the spring down to break them loose, Ill
> open the valve, loose the pressure and it will drop.
> He also says it wont matter as long as the engine is at top dead center cause
> the valve wont fall far enough to lose it anyway.
> Anyone been there done that care to comment?
> Scott Tilton
> Leesburg, VA
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