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TR6 Speedo Dismantle� Thank You!

To: Triumphs Mailing List <>
Subject: TR6 Speedo Dismantle� Thank You!
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 18:02:43 -0800
Thanks for all the tips!  It came apart pretty easily once I dug the 
rubber O-ring out from behind the bezel.  Just as Randall guessed, 
the blue 'jewel' is broken.  I'm trying some super glue, maybe 
that'll hold it.  I dug the jewel's shaft out of the little rubber 
shroud that the jewel used to be part of.  I also found out what 
happened to the tiny little peg at the zero end of the dial.  Turns 
out that little wire is supposed to be attached at that blue jewel 
from behind.  With the jewel gone, nothing was holding the peg in 
place anymore.  So assuming that the super glue works, I'll be able 
to get this thing back together pretty easily.

Thanks so much!

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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  • TR6 Speedo Dismantle� Thank You!, Pete & Aprille Chadwell <=