In a message dated 31/12/01 09:48:46 GMT Standard Time,
> Subj:Re: U/K shows
> Date:31/12/01 09:48:46 GMT Standard Time
> From:<A HREF="";></A>
> To:<A HREF="";></A>
> CC:<A HREF="";></A>
> Sent from the Internet
> Leon Guyot wrote:
> As you have a TR and a Spitfire, you need to attend the
> International Triumph Show and Spares Day
> at the National Agricultural Centre at Stoneleigh In Warwickshire.
> It is on Sunday February 10th 2002.
> The nearest railway station is at Kenilworth in Warwickshire.
> Now then, our Leon - are you sure? I used to live within a mile of
> Kenilworth station and it was closed to passenger traffic in about
> 1965!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they've got some very up-market houses where
> the station once was. I think I'd direct Fred to Coventry or
> Leamington - in view of the fact that he's bringing all his powder
> coating equipment to give us a demo while he's here. After that long
> journey, asking him to throw all the kit out of the window at
> Kenilworth and then jump after it from a moving train, won't do Anglo
> American relations all that much good.
> Jonmac
That's very odd, I was simply repeating what an American visitor from
California told me about 3 years ago, I think, when I asked him how he got to
Stoneleigh and he told me "I just got a train to Kenilworth, and a taxi from
there". Hmmm, as I say very odd, perhaps he was mistaken and meant somewhere
else? probably Leamington!!!
As the majority of Triumph enthusiasts arrive at Stoneleigh by car, including
me, it's not something that I have investigated in detail, but as you are
certainly a 'local', I bow to your more accurate knowledge and apologise to
all concerned.
I assume that Kenilworth railway station fell under the beeching axe along wi
th so much else of our now dreadful railway system.
Happy New Year!
I assume that Fred could rent a car in Coventry more easily than Leamington?
or, perhaps there is someone local on the list, willing to collect him and
take him to the show?
1921 French Grand Prix driver: Albert Guyot, to Ernest Ballot ,
"Therebs only one winner in any race: the man who gets home first."
1963 Triumph Vitesse 2-Litre Convertible (Diva)
1988 Volkswagen 1600GT Scirroco Coupe (Driver)
Wimbledon, London, England.
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