OK...I need dimensions
I have a few different pilot bushings here
that were the 'wrong part' from past orders
form some of the catalog companies.
Does anyone happen to know...or can measure...
the length, ID and OD of the pilot bush for the input
shaft of a Spit 1500 engine. (the bushing
up in the crank the tranny input shaft rides in)
Paul Tegler
----- Original Message -----
From: "ptegler@cablespeed" <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>; "CARS Spitfires@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail)"
<spitfires@autox.team.net>; <spitfire-enthusiast@yahoogroups.com>;
<SPIT6CGT6@yahoogroups.com>; <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: out of balance clutch?
> anyone ever see, or end up, with a brand
> new clutch assembly that was 'out-of-balance'?
> I've got a strange vibration at 2.5-3krpm
> It's definitely engine speed, not road speed
> related.
> I can cruise at that rpm range and feel the
> vibration. Take it out of gear, still rolling at
> speed and no vibration. Rev the engine
> while drifting at speed and the vib. is back.
> The engine idles smoothly and beautifully
> as low as 600 rpm. It has new lower end bearings,
> flattop pistons, and custom cut 010 over rings.
> The tranny has also recently been rebuilt.
> The new clutch is the only thing I can't verify
> is running true.
> How about if the bushing on the end of the input shaft was toast.
> Could that add up to this type of vibration?
> Paul Tegler
> ptegler@cablespeed.com
> www.teglerizer.com
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