corey.sherman@RCN.COM wrote:
> It has become apparent, that I, regrettibly spend far too much time on
> eBay!
Hello, I'm Randall and I'm an eBayaholic ... Oops, sorry, wrong forum
> While most of those individuals with less
> scruples appear to take harbor on eBay, letting greed be their guide.
All of the eBay sellers I've dealt with have been scrupulously honest.
In the very few instances where an item was not as described, they have
been willing to make it right. In one case, the seller even wrote me
ahead of time about a tiny defect that he did not notice until he was
packing the item to ship ! So, although there are undoubtedly a few
rotten apples, there are only a few.
Also, I personally see nothing wrong with selling for whatever price
someone is willing to bid, as long as the item description is accurate.
To some, perhaps, buying over eBay is enough easier to make it worth
paying more. There are many items (not just the Lucas troubleshooting
guides) that routinely sell for quite a bit more than regular vendors
charge. Next time you get a Harbor Freight sale flyer, search eBay for
the items listed.
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