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TR3 top

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: TR3 top
From: "Kevin Kealty" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 16:56:31 -0500
Hi all.  I have managed to tow my TR3B home from Buffalo.  Now, I guess I'll
start the long list of HELP! questions.

My first is the top.  It was sitting in the trunk for 12 years and seems to
have shrunk.  I am only able to get 7 of the 10 windshield fasteners done up.
The top would have to be stretched by at least two inches to get the rest
done.  Would getting it wet help, or would it be better to put a hair dryer on

A mechanic suggested that I put diesel fuel into the spark plug holes and let
it sit for a week.  He said it would eat up any carbon, rust, etc.  Any


Kevin  ('63 TR3B  TCF894L)

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