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Re: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?

Subject: Re: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?
From: Will <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 18:01:14 +0000
References: <41E306B582FA924E97D68F1A891419D13D28CA@BCSRV4.baincapital.l lc>
>Obviously, since they are not being made, the number can only be
>decreasing if you look at all triumphs in existence...but is the number
>in regular use increasing or decreasing?
>Are the barns beating us, or are we beating the barns?
>Just wanted peoples thoughts...
>Noah "fight the barns" Freeman

Judging by the number of ex-US cars I see advertised in the UK, my 
guess is that the barns & the British are combining to beat 
you.....but I'm glad you're trying to keep up!

The high value of all TRs (except wedges) helps to keep them on the 
road in the UK. I was just about able to economically rebuild mine 
after a major chassis bending crash. Despite this, and all the cars 
returning home, I'm sure I see far fewer TRs on the road than I did 
10 years ago - perhaps they don't get out so much these days. But I 
would love to know where all the Volvo P1800s have come from: There 
must be at least 6 of them I see regularly, and just 1 TR (mine).

William Davies
1975 TR6 PI

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