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Tie Rod End Piece - TR4

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Tie Rod End Piece - TR4
From: "Kurtis" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 19:59:14 -0700

Okay, you guys are probably going to get sick of me before this is all over
(or wonder what the heck I'm doing trying to fix this thing myself).

Anyway... while I had the front wheels off, I noticed a couple of things that
needed attention.  One problem was that the rubber gaiters on the tie rod end
pieces had come off (the retainer clips are missing).  I wanted to get them
off, and see if I could reposition the gaiter and maybe secure it back on with
a clip of some sorts.  The gaiters don't appear to be torn, and the ball joint
assemblies themselves seem fine.

Now my problem...  How the heck do you get these things off???  I removed the
nut at the bottom of them (that I assumed held them in place attached to the
tie rod lever), and I tried tapping them lightly (and not so lightly) to coax
them up and out of the tie rod lever.  Neither one of them would budge.  Are
they just stuck, or am I missing something?  I obviously don't want to bang
around too hard on my steering/suspension components... Any suggestions?


Kurtis J.
1963 TR4

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