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To: "Triumph" <>
Subject: Demographics
From: "David Brister" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 12:18:33 +0100
Great to see the list has so many kids (<60.). Bodes well for the 21st

Age:  70 in September..

LBC's: Lots in last 50+ years.

Triumphs owned: 1924 500 bike;1950 500 Speed Twin; 1957 650 Thunderbird;
                               1937 Dolomite (till the crank broke.);  1966
Mk2 Spitfire.

Location: Berks UK and Antibes France.

Marital: 30 years, three grownup children, none interested in LBC's.

Difficulty: Great in seeing under car. Cannot get car far enough away/keep
oil off glasses.

Current LBC's: 1963 P4 Rover 110 (on way to Chile);  1976 TR4A. Gleaming
white in the sunshine!

Ambition: Be one of my pension scheme's bad bargains.

David Brister.

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