The symptoms:
> .........
> In the four years I've been driving it, this car has had a chronic
> problem with sparking over the plug wires. It's obvious at night.
> Little sparks on the wires, under the dizzy cap, jumping from the plugs
> to the head, externally. Idle is a little rough, of course, but she runs
> smooth on the road. Points, rotor and cap don't last long on this car.
> ..........
> Currently, I'm running a Lucas 12V coil with ballast wire
sound like exactly what I'd expect with the ballast wire being shorted
ALL the time, not only during engine start.
Try measuring the voltage on the + terminal of the coil while the
engine's running. If it's around 12-15 volts, the ballast wire is
shorted (perhaps a PO messed up the wiring).
I assume that specifying the coil as "12V" means that it's for a 12V
electric system incorporating ballast resistance to halve the coil
voltage when running.
I've only just received Dan Master's superb book so I may have missed
his reference to this type of problem but it's possible he didn't think
such a rare fault likely enough to warrant inclusion. (....Dan?)
Cheers ..... Pat Mullen
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