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Re: Coming down-continued

To: Matt Ritter <>
Subject: Re: Coming down-continued
From: Don Marshall <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:05:29 -0400
References: <>
At 10:00 AM 6/14/01 -0400, Matt Ritter wrote:
>yes one must wonder if ridership would be as high if the price of a 
>ticket reflected the true cost.  However I'm sure the people of Los
>Angelas or California elected to have taxes taken and put into this

Not that this has anything to do with Triumphs, but the real problem with
these things is that while the people of LA may have "elected" to have tax
money taken out to pay for transit, the reality is that most of the money
probably comes from the federal government, which is OUR money (well, not
Chris DeWet's or JonMac's).  

In downtown Jacksonville, FL, the elevated "train to nowhere" has been
running for years with practically zero ridership, supported by lots of
federal dollars.  Naturally, since no one rides it, they decided to expand
and go other places that no one wants to go.  Once again, Jacksonville is
at the national trough for funding.  If you visit, you should take a ride,
although in reality you've already been taken.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled discussion about Triumphs..

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