Listers, not sure of the exact year but congress passed a law in the late
60's early 70's called the "Monroney Label", this was a window sticker that
had to be on every new car on every dealers lot, showing exactly what was on
the car when it was ordered/bought from the factory, there could not be any
other stickers on a car except this label, if a dealer added accessories
such as A/C, wire wheels etc., this would be told to you by the salesman in
the showroom, a very heavy fine for not having this label on the car, it was
also then and still to this day against the law to remove this sticker from
the cars window on the dealers lot by any employee, the customer may do so,
not a employee of the selling dealer. This law was passed to stop all the
lies being told as to what came on the car from the factory for a
unsuspecting buyer, accessories installed by the dealer after arrival were
called "Dealer Add-ons" and listed in new car sales folder for the buyers
inspection. "FT"