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A-Type OD questions

To: "''" <>
Subject: A-Type OD questions
From: Dennis Lambert <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 07:56:00 -0800
I have acquired an A-type OD tranny (early TR-6) in unknown working order.
I have inspected the gears from the top, and all look OK.   When I drained
the oil, no lumps of metal came out, but I had a few very very small silver
sparkles come out in the oil.  Are these indicative of something grossly
wrong, or is a little metal in the oil to be expected?  The oil was very
dirty, suggesting it had never been changed.
There is a small (about 2") lever on the right hand (drivers) side of the OD
unit; what is it for?  I can't find reference to it in my manual.
I plan on testing the OD this week by spinning the tranny with a drill
motor.  How fast do I have to turn the input shaft before I engage the
solenoid? (Actually, I'll be doing engaging the actuating lever by hand, as
the solenoid seems to be shot).
As always, thanks for sharing your combined wisdom.
Have a safe and happy holiday,

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