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Re: Re-man clutches

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Re-man clutches
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 21:50:57 -0000
It seems there is a variation on views with this one - compounded
possibly by the fact that in more distant lands, there could be a
greater chance of buying a sub-standard product in a high profile
brand package? I've always found AP, B&B, Luk, Laycock and Fichtel
Sachs clutches to be much of a muchness all round. Good quality,
competitively priced and not a "will-fit." Mind you, I've always
bought new units in preference to re-mans unless there was a special
price promo from a franchised dealer in which you got a brand new
assembly at a re-man price. All I would say, is that when I've
encountered people in the past with clutch probs when a 'new' one has
been *recently* fitted, the fault was often traced to an incomplete
changeover. There's absolutely nothing to be gained in trying to save
money by fitting a new cover over an old disc (or vice versa) or
making the thrust bearing go that bit further. Its false economy and
way more trouble than it's worth. My 02 p's worth


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