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RE: TR6 seat diaphrams

To: "TR List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: TR6 seat diaphrams
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 13:11:55 -0700
> From: Joe Flake []
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 11:48 AM
> Is it reasonable to replace JUST the diaphrams and
> postpone the eventual full seat cover project?  Or
> is that just a waste of time and money?

Here is my take, speaking from personal experience...

Go ahead and replace the diaphragms. You will not believe how much of a
difference that will make especially given the description of your

One word of caution however...try to check where the replacements you are
getting are made before you order them. About 18 months ago I got a set from
TRF (my first choice for TR6 parts in case anyone thinks I am bashing them)
and proceeded to install them. If you have ever done this before you know
that a fair amount of force is required to stretch the rubber enough so that
the clips can be popped into the seat frame holes. Well after installing the
first one, I decided to try the seat. It felt brand new! So  I removed it to
have a look at the diaphragm prior to starting the second seat.
Unfortunately, I noticed that the rubber had already begun to split around
two of the holes (the larger "breathing" holes, not the reinforced mounting
holes). Before anyone wonders, I weigh 180 lb so I am not exactly a Sumo. I
asked on the list and got some info about finding a particular logo on the
rubber. I found none. However, I did notice that the diaphragms were made in
the Far East. I called TRF and they said "we have these made for us and sell
1000's every year -- no significant problems reported". Of course they
offered to exchange my torn one or refund my money. I got a set of Moss
diaphragms to compare and they are totally different (at least 18 months
ago). Made in England and the quality of the rubber was vastly superior. The
British ones were thinner but more supple and stretchy, yet still had the
impression of strength. The Far East ones were thicker but the rubber was
much stiffer and definitely not as stretchy. I had no problems installing
the British ones and have been happy with the results since. I sent the two
TRF ones back and got a refund. So if I was doing it again, I'd find out the

Please don't take this as an attack on TRF or an endorsement of Moss. I
respect both. Especially what TRF is doing to keep the parts from becoming
extinct altogether. It's just that on this one, I think they blew it,
especially as there is a British source for the same price.

Peter Zaborski (CF 58310 UO)

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