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Re: Using Spitfire frame to restore a GT6

To: Jonathan Franks <>
Subject: Re: Using Spitfire frame to restore a GT6
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 13:38:10 -0700
References: <>
Everything you need to convert the Spit frame to a Rotoflex frame is already on 
the old GT6 frame.  Thankfully, those parts seldom are
attacked by rust and should be able to be reused.  The things to use are:

Radiator brackets,
Lower wishbone brackets.

Additionally, to be correct, you will want to remove the rear frame extensions 
(if they are installed) and you will have to cut off the
channels that route the hand brake cables to the wheels.  The channels for the 
GT6 rotoflex suspension are located on the body itself.

I think that is all you have to be concerned with.


Jonathan Franks wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I'm restoring a '72 GT6 MkIII with the rotoflex suspension. This car was
> sitting in my buddy's back yard in waist-high grass for about 6 years. The
> body was completely destroyed, but I picked up another MkIII body (thanks
> Sam!). The frame was rusted through in many spots, so I picked up a Spitfire
> chassis, from a '74, I think. I'm not sure how to tell the year of a
> Spitfire frame.
> Anyway, my question is: What do I have to do to make the frame totally
> compatible with the GT6 stuff?
> I think I need radiator mounts. The GT6 radiator is mounted way further
> forward. Where can I get or how can I make these mounts?
> I also need some sort of rear suspension brackets. Victoria British has
> these for sale for about $70 each side. Is there a better source than VB?
> Everyone seems to be a little down on them.
> Also, how about a stylistic question:
> Once all this stuff is done and before I'm ready to put parts up on the new
> frame, should I paint the frame to match the body or black? Black is more
> correct, right? I don't think I've ever actually seen (as in, not photos on
> the web) a matched frame.
> Thanks everyone!
> -Jonathan
> '74 Spitfire 1500
> '72 GT6 MkIII (the rusty hulk)

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