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Re: Triumphest 2000

To: Randall Young <>
Subject: Re: Triumphest 2000
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 16:24:07 +0000
References: <> <> <>
You are probably right about the organization of such events.  I found my own 
lodging at VTR after finally getting a schedule of events
(but that's another story).  I stayed at the Best Western Inn at the Meadows 
near PIR because it was much closer to both the autocross
competition and the auto show.  Plus my daughter works for BW and got ma a room 
for half price that included a great Continental

I think there is no autocross at Triumphest this year because the event is 
being staged on what is essentially an island and space for
such an event is limited.  If you find out more, I'd appreciate knowing.  I am 
going to look and see if the local SCCA chapter is
having anything that weekend.  If so, it would probably be on Sunday and would 
fit in well!

I was in the VTR group photo but my car was obscured by three people standing 
in front of it, so I didn't spring for the 45 bucks to
see all the other cars!


Randall Young wrote:
> Joe :
> I'll agree the events are heavy on the social side, but that seems to be
> what people want.  I certainly enjoyed meeting people (and sightseeing)
> at VTR.  There are plenty of 'race-only' events around, but from what
> I've heard they don't produce the same turnout of Triumph people.
> I'll add that the organizers go out of their way to find a moderately
> priced hotel that is willing to accomodate the event.  The prices may
> seem high, but they really aren't for the area the events are in.  (Note
> : luxury hotels in the LA area go for as much as $1000/night or more.)
> And of course, you are free to find your own lodgings.  (Having tried
> that at VTR, I wouldn't recommend it.  The traffic jam on the 217 is the
> reason my car isn't in the group photo.)
> I don't know why there is no autox (I plan to find out), but I'll bet it
> has more to do with the difficulty of putting on such an event than lack
> of interest.
> Randall
> Joe Curry wrote:
> >
> > Barry, I guess I am (as Bob Lang suggested) just being cynical.  But it 
>seems that the organizers have gone overboard in trying to make
> > it more of a vacation or social event and taken away from the real purpose 
>of such events.  And that is to enjoy and promote Triumphs.
> > Personally, I think that holding such events in very expensive luxury 
>hotels is unreasonable and puts a large drain on the limited
> > funds of people like me.  Then to limit actual car events is pushing the 
>envelope a bit too far.
> >
> > If I wanted to do the sight seeing bit, I'd join a travel club and take 
>advantage of group discounts.

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