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RE: unleaded gas

To: "'Tony Rhodes'" <>
Subject: RE: unleaded gas
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 10:23:07 -0500
Cc: Triumph List <>
Tony Rhodes wrote:

> I somewhat disagree about the your statement about the racing fuel.  
> The _act_ of mixing the fuel in your tank.  (e.g.  add 6 gallons of 
> racing fuel to a half tank of pump fuel) is not particularly unsafe.  No 
> worse than filling your lawnmower.  The _storage_ of large amounts 
> of gasoline is more of an issue.

Point well taken. I should have made it clear that I was referring to the
"danger" in more general terms - storage (as you mentioned), the risk
inherent in carrying that "spare" jug of race gas in the trunk, etc. etc.
There's also the possibility that the additives in the two kinds of gasoline
are incompatible. Not that the mixture would explode, but they're blended
for entirely different purposes. 

And you're right, a lot of folks, particularly racers, used 100LL avgas with
good results - although one would assume that avgas contains additives
necessary for operation at altitudes rarely visited by automobiles   :-)

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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