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Fuel Pump question?

Subject: Fuel Pump question?
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 22:36:08 EDT

<< Need some help.  I had a leak in my fuel pump.  I bought a new fuel pump 
 before attempting to take off the old one.  The new one fits okay but I 
 cannot reconnect the fuel line to the carburetors because the distributer 
 neck is in the way of the connection.  However, I found that there was 
 actually nothing wrong with my old fuel pump.  The slug that holds the 
 interior parts in place had slipped out and oil was coming out of that.  
 I decided to replace my old pump which I was able to repair.  Now my 
  When I went to reconnect the pipe from the carbs to the fuel pump I 
 discovered there was actually two of the small brass sleeves fitted on the 
 pipe going into the fuel pump.  Everything I see, including the Bentley 
 Manual only shows one sleeve and since I could not get the nut to screw on 
 the fuel pump, for some unknown reason I decided to remove the second 
  I did this and attempted to start my TR6.  I saw a gusher of gas coming out 
 of that connection.  My question is, should there be one or two sleeves at 
 this connection and how should they face.  Any help would be 
 appreciated....thanks Virgil 75 tr6

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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 22:31:52 EDT
Subject: Fuel pump question?


Need some help.  I had a leak in my fuel pump.  I bought a new fuel pump 
before attempting to take off the old one.  The new one fits okay but I 
cannot reconnect the fuel line to the carburetors because the distributer 
neck is in the way of the connection.  However, I found that there was 
actually nothing wrong with my old fuel pump.  The slug that holds the 
interior parts in place had slipped out and oil was coming out of that.  
I decided to replace my old pump which I was able to repair.  Now my problem. 
 When I went to reconnect the pipe from the carbs to the fuel pump I 
discovered there was actually two of the small brass sleeves fitted on the 
pipe going into the fuel pump.  Everything I see, including the Bentley 
Manual only shows one sleeve and since I could not get the nut to screw on to 
the fuel pump, for some unknown reason I decided to remove the second sleeve. 
 I did this and attempted to start my TR6.  I saw a gusher of gas coming out 
of that connection.  My question is, should there be one or two sleeves at 
this connection and how should they face.  Any help would be 
appreciated....thanks Virgil 75 tr6



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