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RE: Spitfire 1500 oil filter problems

To: "'David Massey'" <>, TR List <>
Subject: RE: Spitfire 1500 oil filter problems
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 09:16:55 -0400

You can buy adapters for the spit oil filters, from TRF etc., that allow you
to use standard filters from FRAM and so on. (since the originals got to be
such silly prices)  People do this and then shops  try to fit what SHOULD
fit and it does not. I'd say get back to square one, and buy an oil filter
and adpater from TRF and then you know where you're at. Keep the box the
filter comes is, as mine had a cross ref list to all kinds of filters and
you can show this to the shop doing your work.

Chris Ball

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Massey []
> Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 9:07 PM
> To:   TR List
> Subject:      Spitfire 1500 oil filter problems
> Spitfire guru's
> A friend of mine has a 78 Spitfire 1500 with the spin on oil filter.  A
> bizarre thing happened, the oil filter popped off.  It was found laying in
> the engine bay off to the side.  It looked normal and the threaded pipe
> unto which it screws looked normal.  When I tried to reinstall it it
> appeared that the filter gasket contacts the seating surface before the
> thread is engaged.  As if the threaded pipe is too short.  The last ones
> to
> change the oil (a service station) must have had it on by one thread at
> best.  Typically these filters require 5 or 6 turns before the gasket
> contacts the seating surface.
> Has anyone words of wisdom about this.  Is there a particular filter that
> is necessary for this application that has a more convex shape to it?  
> Help me. Help me.
> Dave Massey

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