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RE: How much would you pay for advice

To: "'David Hill '" <>, "'MG Nuts '" <>
Subject: RE: How much would you pay for advice
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:14:05 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "'Triumph- List '" <>
Let me see if I've got this right . . . you want FREE advice from the
members of the Triumph and MG email lists on how much you should charge them
for PAID advice? 

Which presumably would somehow be an improvement over the FREE collective
wisdom of all the folks on these lists?

Half the joy of these email lists is being able to ask any question that
comes up, without someone sending me a bill . . . the other half is having
the (occasional) privilege of contributing information to help a fellow
enthusiast solely for the love of the hobby?

I'll tell you what - send me $5.00 American and I'll give you the benefit of
my opinion of your proposal.

As ever,

Jim Hill
(no relation)

David Hill wrote:
To: MG Nuts
Cc: Triumph- List
Sent: 4/15/00 2:53 PM
Subject: How much would you pay for advice

I am setting up a paid advice service soon, for British Classic Cars. This
will be backed by my 26 years' expewrience with Brit classics-owning,
running, restoring-plus the contacts I have made in 15+ years' freelance
journalism for classic and kit car mags.

Now, hold the flamethrowers because I'm not advertising, nor would I on this
list. But I do need some help in setting the rate.

The providing company is American so I need to know what you think is a
reasonable rate for sage advice. In the UK, I would put it at about 5
[pounds] sterling per successful answer-no charge if I'm unable to
satisfactorily answer the question.

What would be the equivalent in the US? In the UK, the proposed price is
about 1.5 gallons of fuel, a bit more than a car mag, less than a cinema
ticket, etc. The company wants 20%, or $2, whichever is the greater, per

Any suggestions? Sensible, that is...;-)

Dave Hill

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