Darn -- wish I new that about a year ago when that's what I was working on.
As happy as I've been with POR-15 on the rest of the car, I would've gone
that route.
Thanks for the tip for "next time"!
- Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The Brooks' [mailto:TR3A@worldnet.att.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 8:26 PM
> To: Triumphs Mailing List
> Cc: David Moag; Jay Snavely
> Subject: RE: Por 15
> Dave,
> To the contrary, I used the standard POR-15 as the engine primer
> and used their engine paint as a top coat on virtually everything
> black on the engine, except for the parts I sent to FT for powder
> coating.
> That primer/top coat was the recommendation of the techies at
> Rustomotive, the company that makes the stuff. They are about 10
> minutes from work, so they know I would be back to see them, if
> it didn't work.
> I have about 2,000 miles on the new engine and the paint looks
> great.
> BTW - I also used POR-15 on a few places inside the engine too.
> Do your prep exceptionally well and it'll never come off.
> Later,
> Jack Brooks
> Hillsdale, NJ
> 1960 TR3A TS69032LO
> 1974 Norton 850 Commando Roadster