Why is it that, when I replace a CV joint or install new brake pads or new
shocks in a Jetta or a Taurus, I don't feel compelled to CLEAN and PAINT
everything? The long overdue front end rebuild of my '59 TR3A is taking WAY
too long. Had it apart for two weeks now and just now finished taking the
old grease, paint and rust off! Could've wiped off most of the sludge and
put it back together in a weekend, but NO...I just HAD to scrub and clean
and wire-brush everything down to bare metal so I can refinish it properly!
Is this a disease? Is there a known cure?
I probably don't want to know the answer to this one, but...once I have it
all back together with new ball joints, trunnions, bushings, etc., will it
be just as greasy and messy in two weeks as it was when I took it apart? It
is English, after all, but I can hope, can't I?
Sorry for the ramble, just had to vent...Thanks for listening.
Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A TS53990L