HI David
I fitted Cibie 5 and a bit inch Halogens in my 2000 sedan, much better than
Dads Hella's and Cheap to! I bought a pair of main beam units to put in my
2500PI to supplement the tungsten dip/main units from a local bone yard (or
is that boneyard) ex Ford Capri, cost me more than the set of four new
cibie's (I paid �5 each unit from a vendor who had them on his shelf for
ages) I also have 7" halogens in my 1300 FWD they came from a van (Toyota I
think). They have the side / pilot light fittings which I wired in so I now
have sidelights in with the indicator as standard and in the headlights (now
say you didn't see me).
Have a look around there may be other vehicles over there that use 7"
Halogen headlights. I would recomend the fitting of relays for the lights I
know they are supposed to only draw the same current but it makes sense to
protect the switches and wiring on these older cars, I have lost 2 swiches
to the ravages of time in the past and now all my headlight circuits are
----- Original Message -----
From: David Moag <moag@ix.netcom.com>
To: Spitfire Mailing List <spitfires@autox.team.net>; Triumphs Mailing List
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 5:23 PM
Subject: Halogen Headlamps for Spitfire
> Hello Listers,
> I would like to improve the brightness of the headlights on my Spitfire,
> was considering swapping to halogen headlamps. Are there any problems with
> making this swap? Does anyone have any recommendations on where to get a
> pair? I'm sure I'd get blank stares at my local Pep Boys.
> Thanks!
> Dave Moag
> 62 TR3B
> 77 Spitfire
> La Canada, CA