They seem to be the replacement battery of choice for the Miata (MX5). As the
Miata's battery is in the trunk they have a special need as to size and the fact
that it is sealed. These batteries are know for their long life. They are about
$78.00, a little higher than conventional batteries.
Bob wrote:
> Have any of you got any experience with the American WestCo gel-filled
> batteries as sold by Moss over here in the UK?
> Are they any good?
> My Lucas battery has started leaking nasty corrosive sulphuric/sulfuric acid
> on my beloved Triumph and it HAS TO GO, and soon!!!
> One fluif I don't want on my car.
> L�on F Guyot
> Triumph Sports Six Club
> International Liaison Secretary
> 1963 Triumph Vitesse 2-Litre Convertible
> Wimbledon, London, England.