Aw C'mon-
You left handed folks haven't been forgotten- consider:
* Which traffic lane is reserved for the fastest drivers?
the Left side!
* Which side of the car is occupied by the most important
person? The Left side!
* If you are in a hurry, which toll booth lane is the least
used? Statistically proven to be the Left side!
* If you are really hungry , late at night, what food is
specially designated for you?
Left overs!
* Which way do you twist a bottle cap to release delicious
malted beverages? to the Left!
Things ain't so bad....
B. Westerdale
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael D. Porter []
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 3:45 PM
To: Cecil & Willy Monk
Cc: St�phane St-Amant; David Massey;
Subject: Re: This is NO footboyle laddie.
Cecil & Willy Monk wrote:
> Didn't want to feel "LEFT" out of this tread. Both my husband and I are
> lefties.
> "Everyone is born right handed; only the greatest overcome it!"
> Taken from a cup purchased at LEFT-lanta
> Atlanta's only left-handed specialty store
> 1-800-745-left
My favorite in this regard is a button I picked up years ago, which
"If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body,
then left-handers must be the only people in their right minds."