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RE: Carburettors

To: "'Robert M. Lang'" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Subject: RE: Carburettors
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 10:27:56 -0600
Robert M. Lang wrote:

> 5. Weber DCOE 40's... oooooh, aaahhhh... BIG $$$. The $1900 purchase cost
> is just the tip of the iceberg. Figure another $500 _MIN_ to tune 'em up.
> Figure the costs in to re-jet ala the DGV's except instead of two thingies
> you have to buy six... so figure roughly 3X the cost of the DGV install.
> Don't listen to the folks that tell you DCOE's are too much carb. They are
> WRONG. They'll work just fine on a stock engine.

The principal reason why it's so expensive to set up DCOE Webers is that
they're not "adjustable" in the usual (British) sense of turning screws and
moving needles up and down. The principal adjustments on Webers are made by
replacing parts. As Bob points out, every such replacement requires 6
replacement parts (jets, venturis & such). Those 'thingies' are not cheap,
and you need a pretty good assortment of all the possible options in order
to arrive at a proper combination for your particular car. It will always be
a lot cheaper to have an expert do the setup than it will to buy a complete
set of all the replaceable parts and then try and learn how to tune Webers
on your own. And if you really DO want to learn how to tune Webers, it's a
lot easier to start with a well-setup car that's running properly so you'll
have a baseline to work from.

> If you want to race, then choice five is obvious, because with the DCOE's,
> you get almost infinite adjustability. In fact, you'll loose sleep over
> the possible combinations.

There are, of course, "eligibility" rules to consider. Before you invest a
big chunk of cash into carburetion (or any other major modification), you
should find out what impact this will have on the race or autocross class
you'll end up in. Not much point in having the fastest TR6 if that bumps you
into a higher class where you're not competitive.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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