The sample webpage looks great. I would like to be included.
Check out my website. I got a lot of help from the webmaster at work. She
made a big point about using some WYSIWYG web page development tool so that
you get a consistent look and feel on every page. I used Symantec Visual
Page. The second point she made was to use frames. If you notice most
modern websites today... they all implement a frame layout with a sidebar
index so the reader can jump to what interests them and in the order they
want to read rather than a sequential only read style.
Good Luck... I'll send a picture and data
Brian Sanborn
62 TR4 CT16260L - Groton, MA
My TR4 Restoration Web Site
E-Mail: sanborn@net1plus.com
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-triumphs@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-triumphs@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of Dan Buettner
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 4:16 PM
To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Sample member list page
I put together a sample page which reflects my idea of what the
Triumph List member pages might look like.
Obviously, it's subject to revision, and suggestions are welcomed!
The page above is also the only page I've done so far. I'd also like
to include, for the benefit of the casual visitor if no one else, a
few pages with links to Triumph & British car organizations, parts
suppliers, advice pages, etc.
The personal info on there -- email address, phone number -- would be
completely optional.
The page counter is on there for design purposes more than anything.
Due to the way I'm planning on constructing the site, it may not be
possible to have a page counter for every car -- but will certainly
be possible for each of the "main" pages.
A note on the images -- the "big" image you get when you click on the
smaller one isn't very high quality in the sample, but certainly
would be in real use. I just didn't go to the trouble of re-scanning
a small image I already had. I also need to go access the page from
a PC/Windows machine somewhere and see how it looks from there; I
need to read up on getting images to look good on both PCs and Macs.
It occurred to me -- there's been some discussion on the list lately
of having a list somewhere of people across the country who would be
willing to look at cars up for sale when the prospective buyer is a
good distance away. Perhaps a page for that would be popular and
helpful? We could organize it by state, perhaps.
Let me know what you all think.
P.S. Exciting new e-mail address. Same boring guy.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dan Buettner - Des Moines, Iowa - mailto:danb@thelittlemacshop.com
1977 Spitfire, FM64159U. Runs & drives, but shakes like crazy, needs new
tires, and blows smoke. Lots of it.
1957 TR3, TS15098L. Undergoing a frame-off restoration, begun 9/99.
1988 Honda Civic 4WD Wagon. Gets me to work every day. No home page yet.