>From: Chip19474@aol.com>List & T.O.M.:
>I've often pondered this question, too. Would such a service be best served
>through volunteer groups under VTR? Maybe the network of TR clubs could be
>the regional contact points with each club maintaining a list of members who
>would help outI
>Chip Krout
6-Pack has this network
Try: http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/6Pack/surrogate.html
E-MAIL ADDRESS: borgstede@umsl.edu
Brian Borgstede I
Telecommunications Engineer, I '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis I
Instructional Technology Center I TR-250
Phone: (314) 516-6433 I (or 2 or more)
Fax: (314) 516-5294 I