The following was submitted by Dave Semple ( ),
GB transplant, and member of the Connecticut Triumph Register:
Owning Triumphs makes us all have a little affinity to
England......(play along!)
So tomorrow we have to build a bonfire set off
fireworks and celebrate Guy Fawkes day!
What are we celebrating? Well way back in 1605, Guy
Fawkes (also known as Guido - yes, really) and a group
of conspirators attempted to blow up the Houses of
Parliament to kill the King, James I and the entire
The conspirators were P.O'd because King James had
been exiling Jesuits from England. The plotters
wanted to take the power away from the king and
return the country to the Catholic faith.
However, in an attempt to protect a friend in the
House of Lords, one of the group members sent an
anonymous letter warning his friend to stay away from
the parliament.
The warning letter reached the King, and the
conspirators were caught,tortured and executed. Guy
Fawkes and his friends had rolled 36 barrels of
gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament.
These days, Guy Fawkes Day is also known as Bonfire
Night. The event is commemorated every year with
fireworks and burning an effigy of Guy Fawkes on a
Remember this has been going on for 400 years, and the
reason for the festivities may have changed over the
years.....originally celebrating Fawkes' execution but
now are they honouring his attempt to do away with the
Happy Bonfire Night!