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RE: Brake drums

To: "'Fred Thomas'" <>, "'Sumner Weisman'" <>, "'Triumphs'" <>
Subject: RE: Brake drums
From: "Winnie Olmer" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:06:01 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Comments: SoVerNet Verification (on from [], 20 Oct 1999 18:08:08 -0400 (EDT)
Importance: Normal

I agree with Fred. Sounds like a mechanic out to rip you off. My daughter
had new shocks put on her Jetta. Two months later she goes to the tire place
to get 4 new tires. This place always likes to give you suggestions of work
needed since they do repairs as well as tires. They told her she needed new
shocks! She said forget it!! Clearly they were out to cheat her.


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