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Comments by John Thomason

Subject: Comments by John Thomason
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:40:46 EDT
Cc: (J Constantino)
Hi there fellow Triumphists:

I've been away 3 weeks or so due to computer problems,
but now I am back, better than ever and supposedly Millennium Bug proof...
yeah right!

However, on reading through my mail box...I found some questions from a 
web-enabled GT6+ owner, but presently non-Triumph lister, (Join us Jason and 
see the difference). Anyhow, here are his questions:-

Subj:    Comments by John Thomason (in the TSSC Courier magazine)
Date:   25/09/99 23:13:42 GMT Daylight Time
From: (J Constantino)
To: (Leon Guyot)

I've been reading John T's column in the Courier and have a couple of 

He stated that CD1.75 twin carbs on a Spit engine are too big and will reduce 
torque and gas mileage.  What is the general feeling for 1.75 carbs on a 2 
liter six with a stage 2 head for street use?

He said his Mk3 Spit steering column was adjustable up and down as well as 
fore/aft.  The Mk2 GT-6 is very common to the Mk3 Spit, but I haven't seen 
any provision for vertical steering wheel adj.  Can someone shed some light 
on this?

I have spoken to John Thomason,(last Sunday),but he asked me to send him 
these questions in the mail.
Meanwhile, if anyone has any ideas, please mail Jason directly, (copying 
thank you

L�on F Guyot
TSSC International

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