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List support suggestions

To: "" <>
Subject: List support suggestions
From: Allen Patterson <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:13:24 -0400
Organization: Korman Autoworks, Inc.
First, thanks to Mark for your personal time in keeping the list up.  I
don't think many people have a concept of just how time consuming it can
be. (hardware issues notwithstanding)
The below is clipped from the header of another list that got big and
time consuming:


� REQUESTED SUBSCRIPTION FEE:  $10/year.  Monies will go directly to
publication costs, compensating for the expense incurred for hardware,
software and the ISP for the digest.


What this list owner did was collate the names and post "supporting
members" in a post to the digest (well, several posts).  I guess the
thinking was that peer pressure would generate a good response.  He
didn't want to kick non-supporters off, but didn't want a bunch of
loafers living off the generosity of others, either.  He also made
everyone's subscription due at once for simplicity.  Post the renewal
notice as a single-post digest.  We will certainly forget otherwise
(these years keep getting shorter)

Along those lines, I would think that everyone on the list has developed
relationships with various parts vendors.  Put them to task on
soliciting support for the digest.  I would certainly give more
consideration to a supporting vendor.  Letting them do occasional
commercial posts also sweetens the pot a bit.

You seem to have picked $7.95 as an amount that will take care of your
expenses.  Many times the people who can least afford it are the ones
who will contribute the most, so a set amount is a good idea. If you
choose to contribute more, keep it to yourself.

Finally, a question. I'm on the Triumphs list and the Spit list.  Do you
need 7.95 once or twice?

Allen Patterson
Korman Autoworks, Inc

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