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Re: Color chart help

To:, Hugh R McAleer <>
Subject: Re: Color chart help
From: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 00:43:10 +0200

Date sent:              Wed, 13 Oct 1999 22:39:09 -0400
Subject:                Color chart help
From:                   Hugh R McAleer <>
Send reply to:          Hugh R McAleer <>

In looking for a color for the '71 Stag I am thinking along the lines of
a pale yellow that was used on TR250s.  Perhaps close to the yellow on
the GT6 pictured on the model range page.

I noted something interesting on the Stag parts book color charts, the
color yellow family is class 4 and they list Saffron, Mimosa, and Jasmine
as being correct shades of yellow  for the Stag.  I had a Mimosa TR6 and
the original color of my Stag was Mimosa but I want a lighter yellow.

The color chart on the VTR page makes Saffron look almost reddish. 
Anyone have any insight into what the pale yellow on the TR250s was?


Hugh R. McAleer
Jonesboro, GA

Jasmine called Primrose on TR3s is a very light yellow tone. It is used 
on TR250s and early TR6, replaced by mimosa in 73. It looks pale 
because to the yellow color lot of white and some black is added. 
My TR6 on carpictures is jasmine.
Jean R
70 TR6 PI
60 TR3A

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