Can't help on the flasher, but tranny whine can be caused from low fluid,
bad fluid, chipped tooth, or worn gear. Does it happen in all gears or just
Or maybe you have a "Racing" tranny with straight cut gears, they're really
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Douglas Frank
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 10:58 AM
To: big_lbc list; small_lbc list
Subject: whars da flasher huhh?
Will some kind soul tell me where I might find the flasher on my Mk3 GT6?
It needs replacing; the signal lights all shine steadily but not
intermittently. :-) Mr. Haynes advises I replace it, and Mr. Spitbits even
tells me which part to order... but neither gent tells me where the %#*&% it
tia (and driving 'er anyway, let 'em guess which way I'm goin'!)
while I have your attention, what causes gear whine? The gearbox whines
somthin fierce. I don't remember my old GT6 doing that, it's almost
uncivilized. No problem shifting or anything, just more noise than I
Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.
ZKO 110 Spit Brook Rd.
DTN 264-0501 Nashua, NH USA 03062