Jim Altman <jaltman@altlaw.com> wrote:
>Sounds like the overdrive was jammed into being engaged as that is the
>symptom of reversing with OD. The solenoid may not be working, but the OD
>can be stuck engaged anyway. The solenoid engages the hydraulic pump which
>engages the OD, thus, if the pump is pumping the OD is engaged. Keep trying
>to go backwards and you WILL destroy the OD if its not already.
He reported no trouble with going backwards until today.
Could the overdrive have suddenly engaged?
Is overhaul, or at least inspection, of the overdrive covered in the haynes
manual? I read somewhere in the archives that it is full of big springs and
should be taken apart in a press, presumably to stop them flying everwhere
when the last bolt pulls the last turn of thread?
Tom Parker - parkert@ihug.co.nz
- http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Track/8381/