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RE: To Weber or not to Weber

Subject: RE: To Weber or not to Weber
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 16:40:34 -0500
Barry Schwartz wrote:

> If you haven't increased the compression ratio, port matched the heads,
> installed a more aggressive cam, and an extractor exhaust then you will be
> really disappointed in the results, and frankly wasting your money.  You
> could probably use the Webers without the other mods, but you would have
> use such a small Venturi in each carb to achieve any sort of drivability
> that it would be defeating the whole purpose of installing triple Webers.
> It would however, look way cool!

I agree with everything Barry wrote. Especially the last sentence  :-)

The cost of the Webers is really only a part of the expense of putting
together an engine that can take advantage of all the intake air available
through those six trumpets. To do it right, add to Barry's list: bigger
valves, stiffer valve springs, the cam bearings that will be required when
you change cams, crankshaft preparation, porting, polishing and matching,
etc., etc. 

Not to mention the time and expense involved in tuning the Webers - unless
you add the Webers after everything ELSE is done, you'll most likely have to
retune the carburetors every time you make a significant change. Webers are
not tuned just by adjusting  a few mixture screws but by replacing parts (by
trial and error). Which means that you either have to pay a professional to
do it or buy six complete sets of the multitude of alternative jets,
emulsion tubes, venturis, etc., so you can do it yourself. There are several
books on the subject.

But they do look cool . . .

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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