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Re: Many different Triumph lists

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Many different Triumph lists
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 21:43:57 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
>There are several "triumphs" lists I know of, that would
dilute the postings
>seen here. The Triumphs list is by no means the list for
all models Triumph...
>Stag has own list.
>Spitfires ditto
>TR7 and TR8 ditto
>Are there other lists for the Mayflowers, for instance, or
other models?
>If the Spitfire people really got off the Triumphs list, it
surely would be
>quieter.  I, for one, feel the need to subscribe to both,
so I get many
>double postings.  I really rather they hadn't made the
Spitfire list for that
>As far as what Jonmac said about his paying for getting
>posts, that's a shame, but I'd say over 90% of the posts
are ignored by me
>and I'm not complaining.  That's just the way it is....
>I for one would like to see more biographies! I plan to
read them all!
>Enjoy your cars! Be happy, think positive! (No more
negative vibes, man!)

Sorry if it sounded negative Clark - it wasn't really
intended that way. IMHO, the subdivision of the list into
individual model categories has been something of an
Achilles Heel. The result, as I see it, can give too much
dominance to one particular group, e.g. Spitfires or TR's
and this is a view echoed by many I've spoken and
corresponded with. If there was a re-convergence into one
list, it would save the cross-posting and bring all of us
with different Triumph models more closely together. As so
many Triumphs shared either the same, or basically the same
engine, in either front or rear wheel drive, the approach to
problems, problem solving and variations within a theme
would (theoretically) be more comprehensive. I have no
problems with elitism as a whole but I do feel this list by
its fragmentation is becoming elitist - and for entirely the
wrong reasons.


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