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Re: Bio's, was goofing off at work

To: "Ken Gano" <>, "Triumphs mailing list" <>
Subject: Re: Bio's, was goofing off at work
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 05:44:23 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Gano <>
To: Triumphs mailing list <>
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 4:03 PM
Subject: Bio's, was goofing off at work

Ken Gano said:

>It occurs to me that similar
>information might be interesting here.......
Here's mine:

Michael (Mike) Marr, 50 next month, second marriage, combined family of
five, four of which are in college (the last one leaves for college in two
weeks).  Born in Tilbury, Essex, UK, came to Wisconsin in 1973.  Grew up
with and worked on Morris Minors, Ford Anglias, Austin A40s, MG Midgets,
TR3As, MGBs etc etc for my friends, usually for free beer!  I own a 60 TR3A
that needs a body-off restoration, but every spring for the last ten years I
have fired it up and think "She'll do for another year!"  Other than the TR,
my hobbies are sailing, playing soccer, model railways and playing
blackjack.  I am one of those fortunate people that works from his home - I
am an engineer and I work for a major electric utility located in the east,
designing and installing large energy related projects for industrial
clients anywhere east of the Mississippi.  I travel a lot, therefore.  My
wife is a magazine publisher in the aviation industry, so she travels a lot,
also.  We have been known to meet up at airports 600 miles away from home as
our paths cross.

My constant companion during my workday is my dog, Beau, a black lab who can
count and can hear the word "frisbie" (his favorite game) from a half mile

Past cars I have owned, in chronological order:

In the UK:  '59 Morris Minor Van, '48 Morris Minor Saloon, '59 Ford Popular,
'66 Hillman Imp (what a great car...)

In the US:  '71 Pinto, '74 MGBGT, '60 MGA Coupe, '76 Audi Fox, '67 Ford
F250, '73 Chevy C10, '80 Datsun Pickup, '81 Audi 4000, '81 VW Rabbit, '84 VW
Rabbit GTI (hte second best car I have owned), '84 Audi 4000s Quattro,
'86(?) Chevy Astro Van, '86 Audi 200 Turbo Quattro (definitely the best car
I ever owned), '90 Ford Aerostar Van, '96 Ford Explorer and a '98 Ford
Ranger.  I have also had two Tauruses (Tauri?) as company cars, plus sundry
beaters that I have bought for the kids to drive.  Is this conspicuous
consumption, or what?  God, I love this country!

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