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Re: Mc D coffee, lawyers, stupidity and vintage racing

Subject: Re: Mc D coffee, lawyers, stupidity and vintage racing
From: Susan and John Roper <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 20:20:05 -0500
Organization: Vintage Sporting Cars
References: <>
I don't know what this has to do with LBCs, but I could not disagree more.  What
exactly did McD do wrong, serve the coffee hot.  They did not ask the plaintiff
to put it between her legs is a moving car.  she did not order iced coffee.. She
spilled it after placing it in a position to do her harm if it did spill.  One 
the great ills in our society today is that nobody accepts any responsibility 
their own actions and everybody wants to be paid for their own failures.  Wake
up!  Its not some ill defined business monolith that pays, its us.  Its no 
litigation to right a wrong, its a lottery to reward the irresponsible.  John wrote:

> Jeez, I hate to bomb the list about this, but I have been too busy to work on
> my car for several months and I'm cranky. The anti-lawyer politicians and big
> business apologists had a field day with the McD coffee suit (no I'm NOT a
> lawyer, but I'd rather have a trial lawyer on my side than a corporate
> greedhead), but the facts prove that 1. the woman had a legitimate gripe and
> 2. the legal system worked just fine.
> The coffee spilled on her lap was WAY above safe temperatures, a fact that
> McD was well aware of and had ignored despite numerous complaints. The lady
> had third degree burns and required skin grafts to recover from her injuries.
> The original reward of several million dollars was reduced to about $600,000,
> which is usually the case when huge damages are awarded by juries. Bottom
> line -- we sometimes need protection from thoughtless or negligent parties,
> and there has never been a better system than ours. Sometimes it goes over
> the top, but that is better than the alternative.
> Sorry again. It's out of my system now, and I'll get off the soap box.
> Les Landon
> 1962 TR3B TCF644L
> Baton Rouge, LA

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