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Where do I find them?

Subject: Where do I find them?
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 07:43:51 -0700 (PDT)
Hi again y'all,
  After reading everything that has been said on the list on the subject, I had
decided that I was going to use TRF's nylatron bushings front and rear on my
'65 TR4-A ... but when I placed a call to them I was told that they were out of
stock and there was no intention of re-ordering them!  I've checked Moss USA,
Vicky Brit and BPNW and none of them carry anything other than stock and poly. 
Does anyone know of another source for these?

on another issue, BPNW has a special on pistons & liners ... has anyone used
the 87.5mm set or have any opinions on them?

Thanks in advance,

Raymond Lucas Hatfield
'65 TR4-A IRS

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