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first posting

To: triumph <>
Subject: first posting
From: "James M. Amrine, Jr." <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 19:36:27 -0400
Organization: @Home Network
Hello all,

I know everyone is heading off to the VTR, but I figured I would drop a
note.  I joined the list a couple of weeks ago as a brand new Triumph
owner, have been sitting idle, and thought it was time to make my
presence known.

My car, which I purchased as a first car to learn to tinker with, is a
bit of a hybrid.  I don't know if this is considered any kind of
blasphemery, but it is a '72 GT6 with the rear body portions of a '76
Spitfire (best of both worlds, right?).  I bought it from the gentleman
who did the resto and it appears to be quite solid (made it from Detroit
to Pittsburgh and back and the only casualty was the bolt that connects
the shifter to the transmission linkage, DOH!).  

I chose the Triumph because of its simplicity and figured an engineer
(particularly one in automotive design) needs to know how to get his
hands dirty (I am only a year out of school and feel I need to begin
learning this now).  And the car is an absolute blast to drive.  

My first major project I foresee is an overdrive tranny for her (next
summer).  This weekend I believe she will be seeing new hoses, a
flushing of the radiator, an oil change, and a re-harnessing of wires. 
Should be a good learning experience all in all.

Well, I hope everyone has a good time at VTR and that next year I can be
part of the fun.


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