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How times have changed!

To: triumphs <>
Subject: How times have changed!
From: Mike Mason <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:32:01 -0500 (CDT)
I can remember when seeing another LBC brought a wave and a smile.  I
drive my TR6 the twenty-eight miles round trip to work three-hundred and
thirty days a year (the other thirty-five days it's getting new parts).  I
hardly ever, almost never see another LBC on the road, so seeing one the
other day was pretty exciting.  I waved and flashed my lights.......

He was so busy talking on his cellphone that he didn't even see me.  Too
bad, because he was driving an MGB and seeing my '6' would have made his
day!!  ;-)

Ah well......

   Still drivin and still lookin

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